A Passive House is an extremely durable, high-performing system with fresh air filtration and stable temperature retention. It is sustainable and energy efficient while being comfortable and healthy to live in. Its very nature makes it resilient and low-maintenance. A Passive House home is a cost-effective investment. The upfront cost may be more however, the energy savings over time will cover this and will continue to save you money.
Although one of the main benefits of a Passive House is its high-performing energy efficiency, the true attraction of living in a Passive House is the level of comfort experienced inside the home and the healthiness of the interior environment. It's difficult to describe the feeling of stepping inside a Passive House until you experience it for yourself.
Imagine the moment that you close the door behind you; all sounds of external clammer and road noise disappear into peace and quiet. The air is fresh and you notice the absence of any stale smells or odd odours. The temperature is perfectly comfortable and despite the weather outside, the floor isn't cold on your feet. You can’t see any sign of accumulated dust or cobwebs on surfaces and there are no critters or creepy crawlies. The longer you spend inside, the more you begin to notice how wonderfully different it feels to breathe clean oxygen-rich air with no buildup of CO2. A sense of calm and relaxation settles over you and you realise that you can never go back to living in an old stale home.